Original Art

These art pieces are unique originals and no prints have been taken from any of them. One only of each piece in stock

Apart from the "Galway Hooker", all art pieces are framed in natural wood frames finished in white, double mounted, glass fronted and ready to hang. The "Galway Hooker" is framed in real wood finished in walnut and is open fronted as it has been finished with archival satin varnish



All Ireland Art Registered An Post postage for one or more pieces of art is €10.00 per order and must be selected at the checkout postage options

Also, you are most welcome to view the art before buying. Please call to arrange - Bill on 087 675 2750

"Mallard in Flight"


"Curlew Wading"





"Galway Hooker"








"Blue Tit"



"Grey Heron"





"Short Eared Owl"



"Highland Cow"



"Pair of Puffins"



"Mallard in Flight"
Oils on paper
Frame dimensions -

54cm wide x 44cm high

"Curlew Wading"
Gouache watercolour
Frame dimensions -

54cm wide x 44cm high

Gouache watercolour
Frame dimensions -
54cm wide x 44cm high

"Galway Hooker off Kinvara"
Oils on board
Frame dimensions -
57cm wide x 47cm high

Gouache watercolour
Frame dimensions -
34cm wide x 44cm high

Gouache watercolour
Frame dimensions -
34cm wide x 44cm high


"Blue Tit"
Gouache watercolour
Frame dimensions -
34cm wide x 44cm high

"Grey Heron"
Gouache watercolour
Frame dimensions -
34cm wide x 44cm high



Gouache watercolour
Frame dimensions -
34cm wide x 44cm high

"Short Eared Owl"
Polychromos coloured pencil
Frame dimensions -
34cm wide x 44cm high


"Highland Cow"
Oils on paper
Frame dimensions -
44cm wide x 34cm high 

"Pair of Puffins"
Polychromos colour pencil
Frame dimensions -
44cm wide x 34cm high 



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